Aloha ODG,

I was on the judging team that awarded this plant.  It was a 
spectacular specimen, very well grown in a seven gallon pot with 
psuedobulbs seeming to be the size of large grapefruit.  We obviously 
did notice that 14 of the inflorescences had more than one flower.  We 
questioned why, because usually there is only one flower per. 
Doing our research we noted that in 1984 at a show in Caracas, there
was an award given to the clone 'Gabriella Sucre' that also had more
flowers per inflorescence.  The award description reads:
"Fourteen flowers and eight buds on twenty inflorescence: ..."  
The obvious answer to why this clone had more than one flower per was 
the excellent culture, thus the CCE/AOS.
You can see a picture of the plant in flower at:

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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