"Doi Can Road in the centre of Thai Nguyen gets more and more crowded every 
weekend, as city dwellers head out to pick up popular forest orchids.

While the growing adoration of orchids is great for mountain dwellers who 
make a living off collecting the flowers, the movement is proving 
devastating for the health of orchids in the wild.

... the orchid trend... started... 10 years ago but has grown enormously as 
people have become increasingly interested in forest orchids.

On weekends, hundreds of species of forest orchids are brought from 
different mountainous regions including Cao Bang, Bac Kan, Yen Bai and Thai 
Nguyen. The... sellers... usually knowing first hand where the orchids came 
With orchids not growing very well in the city, city dwellers are dependant 
on the Doi Can market, counting on hard-working farmers willing to make the 
trek into the city to sell the flowers.

For 10 years Tran Thi Tham from the small town of Du, nearly 12km from Thai 
Nguyen centre, has been bringing orchids to sell in the city.

"The flowers that I sell here are collected by my husband from Ba Be (Bac 
Kan), Cao Bang and Yen Bai," said Tham, noting that the Ba Be National Park 
is a great place to hunt for flowers.
Since its prohibited to collect flowers from Ba Be, Tham's husband has to 
hunt for the flowers at night. With their growing popularity, collecting 
orchids has become an occupation for many mountainous region inhabitants.

The Voi forest, in Dong Hy, Thai Nguyen, was once famous for its many kinds 
of... orchids. It is now nearly empty as the ... orchids have disappeared.

According to Hoang Thi Yen from Dong Hy, those who survive on selling 
orchids now have to travel to remote mountainous regions. "The job is much 
more difficult than it was 10 years ago because the source of orchids has 
been exhausted."

"If forest orchids continue to be sold on the streets so much, in 10 years 
our children will only be able to see forest orchids on television or in 
pictures," said Ngo Thanh Huong, one customer.
To preserve the Vietnamese orchids, a web site was recently set up to unite 
all orchid lovers www.hoalanvietnam.org. The site hosts a number of 
articles explaining how to plant orchids, provides information on orchids 
festivals in the world, and displays various pictures of orchids.

The movement to harvest orchids is now flourishing throughout provinces and 
cities in Viet Nam... Most provinces and cities have even formed their own 
orchid associations. The Ha Noi Orchid Association alone has around five 
clubs with hundreds of members.

According to... Nguyen Tien Hiep, director of the National Centre for 
Natural Science and Technology under the Vietnamese Academy of Science and 
Technology, the best way to preserve orchids is to cultivate the various 

"To multiply some species of forest orchids, the most ideal way is that the 
genes are taken from the seeds of fruits of parents orchids and sowed in 
test tubes.

"The advantage of this method is that we can create at the same time many 
small plants from a single sowed pollen," Hiep said."

URL : http://vietnamnews.vnagency.com.vn/showarticle.php?num=02CUL070808



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