G'Day All,
              I dare walk where agnostics fear to tread, but the Theory of 
Intelligent Design has an interesting History, which is quite a different thing 
from whether you have faith in it or not.

The theory was promulgated in early 19th Century Britain, and given an 
impressively coherent form, in a series of books called the Bridgewater 
Treatises. It was possibly the prominence of these works that led Darwin to 
delay publishing "The Origin of Species" until Wallace contacted him. After the 
works by Darwin and Wallace appeared, it was TH Huxley and others who 
championed and publicised the Theory of Evolution.

Of course, Lyell and the other early 19C geologists were aware that **time** 
was necessary for geological features to have developed, but were either 
unaware of the biological consequences, or unwilling to explore them.

In a fascinating footnote, after Evolution had been largely accepted, and began 
to be misapplied to racial, eugenic and economic aspects, some great 
physicicists (Maxwell, Kelvin and others) came out with an argument that there 
was insufficient time for evolution to occur. With the great advances in 
mathematical physics and the applications to telegraphy and other very 
important electromagnetic applications, these men had real scientific 
authority. They considered the Sun as a hot ball which, with radiative cooling, 
could only have existed for 60-80,000 years. Noone could refute their 
reasoning, because radioactivity and atomic reactions were then unknown. 
Fortunately, and possibly because of the arcane nature of the mathematics for 
most people, the biologists continued in developing their theories. There is a 
series of fascinating articles on radiative cooling and time in "Nature" in the 
1970s by Clerk Maxwell and others.

Modern evolutionary theory introduces the nature of chance (see Stephen J Gould 
and the Burgess Shale) and saltations, sudden jumps in development of species 
(see also various volcanic and meteoric impact theories for the great 

I only mention some of the History, not comment on Science or Belief, and have 
no wish for Flame Wars. Perhaps many of you know these matters and I am 
replicating well known facts.

Agnostically, Phil

Dr Phil Diamond   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel: (61) 7 3269 0302
66 Cliff Street, Sandgate 4017 AUSTRALIA

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