... But, Orchid Keeper, you still haven't revealed your real name. Did  
you use "Orchid Keeper" as your "name" in the articles you wrote? Or  
with the seller on ebay? THis isn't clear in your response to Leo's  
post. Why are you reluctant to reveal who you really are? Humans tend  
to be comfortable with real names when asked to participate in  
ventures where their reputations will be at stake. I don't blame Leo  
for being wary, and I hardly read his concerns as being an "attack" on  
you. Perhaps your orchid ezine will become a great place for  
orchidists to gather, so why not be a real person and not just a "nome  
de plume?"


Below is what I sent Mr Schordje. I am sending this to the list  
because he
has chosen to attack me in the list.  If he continues to libel and  
me, I will respond appropriately. I have every right to defend my  
reasonable overture as a publsiher with a very respectable background in
orchids. No one here would tolerate it if I chose to find some non- 
related "factoid" about your private life and publish it in this list  
with a
suggestion you are soliciting for eBay. FWI: "factoid" is to "fact" as
"humanoid" is to "human" I do not have an ebay store and I clearly am
publishing an orchid-related magazine.

I do not own an eBay store and my ezine does not sell orchids or eBay
although it does carry ads for orchid sellers who run legal  
greenhouses and
I do have ads from publishers of books alongside the book reviews.  
That is
normal in any magazine.

Mr Schordje claims he does not know who I am even though he read my  
name as
author in several articles and he did enough research to see that I  
use a
host with a name he chooses to associate with ebay. None of that is
associated with my contact here, anymore than anyone else here would  
care to
have someone post any non-orchid gossip about their alleged private  

I also owe no apology for sending a very simple direct response to an  
requesting permission to use his material or to publish new matrerial  
him. That is NORMAL non-spam behavior in the publishing world, and any
half-educated author knows that. I apologize only for my own incredible
gullibility in having mistaken Mr Schordje for an "author" .

Here is the text of what I sent him:

"""I really liked your piece in the Orchid Digest about the problem of  
"apathy" and "interest" and various business-support decisions of the  

I have been reading the Orchid Digest lately because I am publishing an
orchid ezine called "The View From My Windowsill" ,
http://theviewfrommywindowsill.com that is aimed at the mass-market  
but with
the goal of bringing the casual orchid-buyer from the level of
impulse-purchase to serious horticulture. I'm putting my effort into the
nuts & bolts of publishing and developing readership, with the formula  
: one topical article, one book review, & some good video in the  home  
and so I am looking for writers. If you would like to put your  
thoughts into
a form that might address a more general audience, I would love to  
that as a short topical article.

I wish I could conclude this proposal with an offer of pay, but alas I
cannot. All I can offer is the full credit attributed as you wish with
whatever link you wish and the promise that you will get some  
out of having your thoughts about the orchid business reach a wider
audience. Eventually the ezine should be earning its keep well enough  
to pay
writers while it accomplishes its mission of supporting a deeply  
hobby for many people.""""

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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