There is a highly controversial biomass project being decided this week in
Austin, Texas, concerning a $2.3 billion (yes, billion with a "B")
generating plant being built in Nacogdoches, which is an area of the Piney
Woods type of terrain. Most of the discussion is turning on the questions of
finances, but there is also the question of orchid habitat.

There is already a long-standing logging industry in East Texas and there
are several biomass plants in that area and Louisiana that are similar to
the one proposed for Nacogdoches. I have not been able to find much material
about the impact on habitat of the existing logging and wood-burning
activities in East Texas and Louisiana.

Are any groups or individual growers in that region addressing this issue?
If the forest is burned out, and the land turned into meadow/prairie-like
terrain, won't it also affect the climate for humidity levels,
thus impacting even the cultivated orchids in shadehouses and greenhouses?
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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