Beware Biomass. Wood chipping in Australia began as a way of clearing non 
useable product from the logging area and evolved into unsustainable logging of 
old growth forest. The native hardwood was frequently replaced by non native 
softwood plantations. I feel sure any proposal to use so-called waste from 
North American forests will be followed by vested interests promoting the 
tiresome phrase of " jobs, jobs, jobs" after investing more money than they can 
afford in vehicles and other machinery in this pseudo green opportunity. The 
problem with the jobs is how much will they cost in inevitable subsidies and 
benefits to the perpetrators of habitat destruction? One example is our island 
state of Tasmania, where if logging is carried out in accordance with a 
Regional Forest Agreement, the Commonwealth Environmental Protection 
Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 does not apply. Logging is currently being 
undertaken in the habitat of an orchid species listed under this legislation 
and the operation is being termed a trial to determine how the species survives 
after being invaded by logging machinery and felling of old growth habitat. See 
"The Orchadian" Volume 16 No 1 for this story. Letters and protests to the 
Tasmanian government have been of no use as this government is too close to the 
logging company involved.
Alan W Stephenson
National Conservation Officer
Australasian Native Orchid Society  
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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