I see you've the default cfg, but the "storage.diskCache.bufferSize" can't
be 4GB on a RaspberryPI! Try setting it to 300MB or less. Edit the
server.sh file and put this configuration:

java ... -Dstorage.diskCache.bufferSize=300


On 10 June 2014 15:15, Eric Schreiner <ericschreinerconte...@gmail.com>

> ...we have now tried with 1.7 final and still have the same problem:
> (please see config and stacktrace below)
> INFO @ 14:52:50.147 
> PicApportDBService.setDbConfig.setDbConfig:*/root/*.picapport/orientdb.properties
> DEBUG@ 14:52:50.151 PicApportDBService.setDbConfig: ----- start dump
> db-configuration -----
> OrientDB 1.7 configuration dump:
>   + environment.dumpCfgAtStartup = false
>   + environment.concurrent = true
>   + memory.useUnsafe = true
>   + memory.autoFreeCheckEvery = 10000
>   + memory.autoFreeHeapThreshold = 70%
>   + memory.directMemory.safeMode = true
> - JVM
>   + jvm.gc.delayForOptimize = 600
>   + storage.diskCache.bufferSize = 4096
>   + storage.diskCache.writeCachePart = 30
>   + storage.diskCache.writeCachePageTTL = 86400
>   + storage.diskCache.writeCachePageFlushInterval = 100
>   + storage.diskCache.writeCacheFlushInactivityInterval = 60000
>   + storage.diskCache.writeCacheFlushLockTimeout = -1
>   + storage.configuration.syncOnUpdate = true
>   + storage.compressionMethod = nothing
>   + storage.useWAL = true
>   + storage.wal.syncOnPageFlush = true
>   + storage.wal.cacheSize = 3000
>   + storage.wal.maxSegmentSize = 256
>   + storage.wal.maxSize = 4096
>   + storage.wal.commitTimeout = 1000
>   + storage.wal.shutdownTimeout = 10000
>   + storage.wal.fuzzyCheckpointInterval = 2592000
>   + storage.wal.reportAfterOperationsDuringRestore = 10000
>   + storage.wal.readCacheSize = 1000
>   + storage.wal.fuzzyCheckpointShutdownWait = 600
>   + storage.wal.fullCheckpointShutdownTimeout = 600
>   + storage.wal.path = null
>   + storage.makeFullCheckpointAfterCreate = true
>   + storage.makeFullCheckpointAfterClusterCreate = true
>   + storage.diskCache.pageSize = 64
>   + storage.lowestFreeListBound = 16
>   + storage.cluster.useNodeIdAsClusterPosition = false
>   + storage.cluster.usecrc32 = false
>   + storage.keepOpen = false
>   + storage.lockTimeout = 30000
>   + storage.record.lockTimeout = 30000
>   + storage.useTombstones = false
>   + record.downsizing.enabled = true
>   + cache.level1.enabled = false
>   + cache.level1.size = 0
>   + cache.level2.enabled = false
>   + cache.level2.size = 0
>   + cache.level2.impl =
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.cache.ODefaultCache
>   + cache.level2.strategy = 0
>   + object.saveOnlyDirty = false
> - DB
>   + db.pool.min = 1
>   + db.pool.max = 100
>   + db.pool.idleTimeout = 0
>   + db.pool.idleCheckDelay = 0
>   + db.mvcc = true
>   + db.mvcc.throwfast = false
>   + db.validation = true
>   + db.use.distributedVersion = false
>   + nonTX.recordUpdate.synch = true
>   + nonTX.clusters.sync.immediately = manindex
> - TX
>   + tx.useLog = true
>   + tx.autoRetry = 1
>   + tx.log.fileType = classic
>   + tx.log.synch = true
>   + tx.commit.synch = true
>   + hashTable.slitBucketsBuffer.length = 1500
>   + index.auto.rebuildAfterNotSoftClose = true
>   + index.auto.synchronousAutoRebuild = true
>   + index.auto.lazyUpdates = 10000
>   + index.flushAfterCreate = true
>   + index.manual.lazyUpdates = 1
>   + index.durableInNonTxMode = false
>   + index.txMode = ROLLBACK_ONLY
>   + index.useSBTreeByDefault = true
>   + index.notunique.useSBTreeContainerByDefault = true
>   + index.cursor.prefetchSize = 500000
>   + mvrbtree.timeout = 5000
>   + mvrbtree.nodePageSize = 256
>   + mvrbtree.loadFactor = 0.7
>   + mvrbtree.optimizeThreshold = 100000
>   + mvrbtree.entryPoints = 64
>   + mvrbtree.optimizeEntryPointsFactor = 1.0
>   + mvrbtree.entryKeysInMemory = false
>   + mvrbtree.entryValuesInMemory = false
>   + mvrbtree.ridBinaryThreshold = -1
>   + mvrbtree.ridNodePageSize = 64
>   + mvrbtree.ridNodeSaveMemory = false
>   + sbtree.maxKeySize = 10240
>   + sbtree.maxEmbeddedValueSize = 40960
>   + sbtreebonsai.bucketSize = 2
>   + sbtreebonsai.linkBagCache.size = 100000
>   + sbtreebonsai.linkBagCache.evictionSize = 1000
>   + sbtreebonsai.freeeSpaceReuseTrigger = 0.5
>   + ridBag.embeddedToSbtreeBonsaiThreshold = 80
>   + ridBag.sbtreeBonsaiToEmbeddedToThreshold = -1
>   + lazyset.workOnStream = true
>   + collections.preferSBTreeSet = false
> - FILE
>   + file.lock = true
>   + file.defrag.strategy = 0
>   + file.defrag.holeMaxDistance = 32768
>   + file.mmap.useOldManager = false
>   + file.mmap.autoFlush.timer = 30
>   + file.mmap.autoFlush.unusedTime = 30
>   + file.mmap.lockMemory = true
>   + file.mmap.strategy = 0
>   + file.mmap.blockSize = 1048576
>   + file.mmap.bufferSize = 8192
>   + file.mmap.maxMemory = 134217728
>   + file.mmap.overlapStrategy = 2
>   + file.mmap.forceDelay = 10
>   + file.mmap.forceRetry = 50
> - JNA
>   + jna.disable.system.library = true
>   + network.maxConcurrentSessions = 1000
>   + network.socketBufferSize = 32768
>   + network.lockTimeout = 15000
>   + network.socketTimeout = 15000
>   + network.retry = 5
>   + network.retryDelay = 500
>   + network.binary.loadBalancing.enabled = false
>   + network.binary.loadBalancing.timeout = 2000
>   + network.binary.maxLength = 32736
>   + network.binary.readResponse.maxTimes = 20
>   + network.binary.debug = false
>   + network.http.maxLength = 1000000
>   + network.http.charset = utf-8
>   + network.http.sessionExpireTimeout = 300
>   + security.maxCachedUsers = 100
>   + security.maxCachedRoles = 100
>   + profiler.enabled = false
>   + profiler.config = null
>   + profiler.autoDump.interval = 0
> - LOG
>   + log.console.level = info
>   + log.file.level = fine
>   + command.timeout = 0
>   + client.channel.minPool = 1
>   + client.channel.maxPool = 20
>   + client.connectionPool.waitTimeout = 5000
>   + client.channel.dbReleaseWaitTimeout = 10000
>   + client.ssl.enabled = false
>   + server.channel.cleanDelay = 5000
>   + server.cache.staticFile = false
>   + server.cache.2q.increaseOnDemand = true
>   + server.cache.2q.increaseStep = 0.1
>   + server.log.dumpClientExceptionLevel = FINE
>   + server.log.dumpClientExceptionFullStackTrace = true
>   + distributed.crudTaskTimeout = 3000
>   + distributed.commandTaskTimeout = 5000
>   + distributed.deployDbTaskTimeout = 1200000
>   + distributed.deployDbTaskCompression = 7
>   + distributed.queueTimeout = 5000
>   + distributed.asynchResponsesTimeout = 15000
>   + distributed.purgeResponsesTimerDelay = 15000
> DEBUG@ 14:52:50.508 PicApportDBService.setDbConfig: ----- end dump
> db-configuration -----
> MSG  @ 14:52:50.519 PicApportDBService.createDatabaseDirectory: 
> */root/*.picapport/db
> MSG  @ 14:52:50.527 
> PicApportDBService.startDatabase:plocal:*/root/*.picapport/db/db.1.6.2
> Jun 10, 2014 2:53:04 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
> WARNUNG: Sun Unsafe direct  memory implementation is going to be used,
> this implementation is not stable so please use JNA version instead.
> EXCEP@ ============================================================
> EXCEP@ Exception at: 2014-06-10 14:53:09
> EXCEP@          Msg:
> EXCEP@ Cannot create database
> EXCEP@ ------------------------------------------------------------
> EXCEP@ com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException:
> Cannot create database
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.ODatabaseRecordAbstract.create(ODatabaseRecordAbstract.java:398)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.ODatabaseWrapperAbstract.create(ODatabaseWrapperAbstract.java:55)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.ODatabaseRecordWrapperAbstract.create(ODatabaseRecordWrapperAbstract.java:64)
> EXCEP@     at
> de.contecon.picapport.db.PicApportDBService.createDBSchema(Unknown Source)
> EXCEP@     at
> de.contecon.picapport.db.PicApportDBService.startDatabase(Unknown Source)
> EXCEP@     at
> de.contecon.picapport.db.PicApportDBService.startDatabase(Unknown Source)
> EXCEP@     at de.contecon.picapport.PicApport.startDatabase(Unknown
> Source)
> EXCEP@     at de.contecon.picapport.PicApport.init(Unknown Source)
> EXCEP@     at de.contecon.picapport.PicApport.main(Unknown Source)
> EXCEP@     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> EXCEP@     at
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
> EXCEP@     at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
> EXCEP@     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:483)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplicationWithArgs(LauncherImpl.java:367)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication(LauncherImpl.java:305)
> EXCEP@     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> EXCEP@     at
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
> EXCEP@     at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
> EXCEP@     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:483)
> EXCEP@     at
> sun.launcher.LauncherHelper$FXHelper.main(LauncherHelper.java:767)
> EXCEP@ Caused by:
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Content of
> record #0:1 was broken.
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.impl.local.paginated.OPaginatedCluster.readFullEntry(OPaginatedCluster.java:661)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.impl.local.paginated.OPaginatedCluster.updateRecord(OPaginatedCluster.java:822)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.impl.local.paginated.OLocalPaginatedStorage.updateRecord(OLocalPaginatedStorage.java:780)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.raw.ODatabaseRaw.save(ODatabaseRaw.java:273)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.ODatabaseRecordAbstract.executeSaveRecord(ODatabaseRecordAbstract.java:1132)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.tx.OTransactionNoTx.saveRecord(OTransactionNoTx.java:79)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.ODatabaseRecordTx.save(ODatabaseRecordTx.java:319)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.ODatabaseRecordTx.save(ODatabaseRecordTx.java:40)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.ORecordAbstract.save(ORecordAbstract.java:334)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument.save(ODocument.java:1423)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument.save(ODocument.java:1406)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.type.ODocumentWrapper.save(ODocumentWrapper.java:102)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.type.ODocumentWrapperNoClass.save(ODocumentWrapperNoClass.java:84)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OSchemaShared.saveInternal(OSchemaShared.java:731)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OSchemaShared.saveInternal(OSchemaShared.java:626)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OSchemaShared.createClassInternal(OSchemaShared.java:307)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OSchemaProxy.createClassInternal(OSchemaProxy.java:120)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandExecutorSQLCreateClass.execute(OCommandExecutorSQLCreateClass.java:144)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandExecutorSQLDelegate.execute(OCommandExecutorSQLDelegate.java:60)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.OStorageEmbedded.executeCommand(OStorageEmbedded.java:94)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.OStorageEmbedded.command(OStorageEmbedded.java:83)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.command.OCommandRequestTextAbstract.execute(OCommandRequestTextAbstract.java:59)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OSchemaShared.createClass(OSchemaShared.java:229)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OSchemaProxy.createClass(OSchemaProxy.java:77)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.security.OSecurityShared.createMetadata(OSecurityShared.java:391)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.security.OSecurityShared.create(OSecurityShared.java:324)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.security.OSecurityProxy.create(OSecurityProxy.java:70)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.OMetadataDefault.create(OMetadataDefault.java:84)
> EXCEP@     at
> com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.ODatabaseRecordAbstract.create(ODatabaseRecordAbstract.java:378)
> EXCEP@     ... 19 more
>  --
> ---
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