
I have an a Super class vertex called Abstract which has common properties 
which are going to be used across all subclasses like created_by, 
creation_date. Then I have another subclass vertex called Player extending 
the super class vertex Abstract. 

I am connecting remotely to the database from a java webapp running on 
Tomcat using the orientdb libraries plus using some complex queries using 
gremlin java API. 

Insertion is happening fine, retrieving is also fine most of the times. Now 
the problem happens not that often but when it happens it changes the 
structure of Player vertex and make it extend Common Vertex which I never 
created. I it messes up my Player Vertex completely and I cannot revert 
back. This issue happens while retrieving data from the Player Vertex. 

Does anyone have any idea in which scenario this Common vertex is created 
and forces my Player vertex to extend it!?

I have another issue also regarding restore. I have an automatic backup 
running and when I try to restore it. I go to the console then try to 
connect to the database like this:

orientdb> connect plocal:/opt/orientdb/databases/politics-game <username> 

but i get this:

Disconnecting from the database [null]...OK
Connecting to database [plocal:/opt/orientdb/databases/politics-game] with 
user 'kareem'...
Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Cannot 
open local storage '/opt/orientdb/databases/politics-game' with mode=rw

Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OSerializationException: 
Cannot load database's configuration. The database seems to be corrupted.

Error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: 

I switched off the DB before executing this to make sure it is now locked 
by the server.

So I can do the restore like:
restore database /opt/orientdb/bin/backup/politics-game-2014-09-30-


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