Do you have local cache enabled ?
It explicitly created to avoid such problems.

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Emanuele Milani <
milani.emanuele...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all!
> I am in the process of debugging an application based on OrientDB (2.0M2).
> The problem I am facing are some OConcurrentModificationException. The
> issue appears with both the "memory" and the "plocal" storage engines (I
> did not try "remote"). It looks they are caused by the fact that multiple
> OrientVertex objects which refer to the same database record are (in
> general) not in sync. This also means that there is no guarantee in general
> that a value which is returned by a query is the most up to date.
> The following code replicates the issue. I agree it may look a bit
> awkward, but it is just the smallest example I could come up with from our
> code.
> OrientGraphFactory graphFactory = new OrientGraphFactory(DATABASE_URL);
> graphFactory.setAutoStartTx(false);
> OrientGraph graph = graphFactory.getTx();
> graph.begin();
> OrientVertex firstVertexHandle = graph.addVertex(null, PROPERTY_NAME, 0);
> graph.commit();
> firstVertexHandle.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME, 1);
> // Note that if any of the following 3 lines are commented, then the
> problem does not appear
> graph.begin();
> graph.getVertices("someproperty", "somevalue").iterator().hasNext();
> graph.commit();
> Object vertexId = firstVertexHandle.getId();
> Vertex secondVertexHandle = graph.getVertex(vertexId);
> secondVertexHandle.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME, 2);
> // prints 1
> System.out.println(firstVertexHandle.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME));
> // prints 2
> System.out.println("Value queried from the second vertex handle is " +
> secondVertexHandle.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME));
> // The following throws an OConcurrentModificationException
> firstVertexHandle.setProperty(PROPERTY_NAME, 3);
> Is this a bug in OrientDB?
> What should the expected behavior with respect to multiple Vertex objects
> referring to the same database record?
> --
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Best regards,
Andrey Lomakin.

Orient Technologies
the Company behind OrientDB


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