
I am running 2.0.1 and I am using the http index interface as a key/value 
store. I access it with jersey client and have also in the headers added 
The configuration is set at max pool connections at 1500. When running my 
tests without even reaching 20-30 requests I get 

2015-05-13 14:52:03:127 WARNING Reached maximum number of concurrent 
 (1013), reject incoming connection from / 

I am using a pool (but is it even related to the graph pool?).

here is a sample request

Client client=buildClient();
try {
    Response response = client.target(OrientDatabase.getHTTP_URL() + 
"/index/exchange/exchangeKV/" + codingUtilities.toUtf(key))
            .header("Connection", "close")

    if (response.getStatus() == Response.Status.ACCEPTED.getStatusCode()) 
return true;
    else return false;
}finally {

maybe the header is not sent with PUT requests? but again, I am nowhere 
near close 1500 connections.


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