I have imported hierarchical data into OrientDB from RDMBS using OETL. 

In RDBMS we used to store parentId in the same row. e.g. the table 
structure is something like this:

ID - Name - Parent_ID

Corp - Corporate Office - Corp

D1 - District Office 1 - Corp

D2 - District Office 2 - Corp

SO1 - Small Office 1 - D1

SO2 - Small Office 2 - D2

SO3 - Small Office 3 - D1

Now each row is a node in orientdb. I want to create an edge (ParentOf) 
from say Corp to D1 and D1 to SO1 and so on.

How can I write a query to achieve this? Something along the line of 

create edge parentOf from (select from node)a to (select from node where 
a.id = parent_id)


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