
I think that the only way to do what you need is by using a function:

I wrote this javascript:

parameters: rid, list_name, key_name, key_value

var g=orient.getGraph();

var sel=g.command("sql","select expand("+list_name+"."+key_name+") from "+
rid+" where '"+key_name+"' in "+list_name+".keys()");

if(sel.length > 0){
  return sel[0]
} else {
  var upd=g.command("sql","update "+rid+" put "+list_name+"='"+key_name+"',"
+key_value+" return after @this."+list_name+"['"+key_name+"']");
  return upd[0];

then here's an example of usage:

'@type':'d', '@class':'Test'}"))

Il giorno mercoledì 1 giugno 2016 06:38:14 UTC+2, Eric24 ha scritto:
> I'm trying to determine the most efficient and least contentious way to do 
> a sort of UPSERT on a LINKMAP property. Specifically, if I try to PUT a new 
> item with a key value that already exists, I want the PUT to fail and leave 
> the existing item in place (and instead return that item to the caller). By 
> default, a PUT overwrites the key-matching item. I can prevent that with a 
> WHERE clause, but I can't get RETURN to work (no syntax I've tried works). 
> I can accomplish this doing a SELECT first, followed by a conditional 
> UPDATE, but I'm hoping there's a more efficient way.
> Also, this is a very high-frequency operation (many potential update or 
> update attempts to a given record per second). What happens to a single 
> record with a LINKMAP (or EMBEDDEDMAP) property if one operation adds a new 
> key/record and a concurrent operation adds a new different key/record? Are 
> both keys/records retained or does the most recent update "win", 
> effectively loosing the key/record added in the first operation or are both 
> retained? If so, would locking the record during the operation solve that 
> issue?


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