On 27 September 2016 at 08:03, Phillip Henry <phillhe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Luca.
> I've now tried OGraphBatchInsert. It is indeed much faster at about 4.5
> hours for the billion payments. Slower than Neo but we can live with that.

Hi Phillip,
Good to know it worked. Are you using last v2.2.10 right?

> However, I'm having trouble getting a full run.
> I'm getting OutOfMemory errors with -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=512G and
> combinations of:
> -Xmx51443M -Dstorage.diskCache.bufferSize=60059
> -Xmx90G -Dstorage.diskCache.bufferSize=10240
> -Xmx90G -Dstorage.diskCache.bufferSize=8192

> So, I've now increased MaxDirectMemorySize to 999G but with no success
> (this box has 128GB of memory).
> On a box with about 250GB where I can increase the heap, it ran to the
> end. There was some SEVEREs at the beginning that said "Previous maximum
> cache size was 3474813 current maximum cache is 278528. Cache state for
> storage /home/d3956122/OrientDB/databases/MyPayments3 will not be
> restored" and some "Exception during commit of active transaction...
> Database  /home/d3956122/OrientDB/databases/MyPayments3 is closed". But
> after that things seem to go well. I hope these initial errors are not too
> serious?

So It looks like 128GB wasn't enough.

About the two exception, let me ask to the team first. About the second one
"Exception during commit of active transaction... Database
 /home/d3956122/OrientDB/databases/MyPayments3 is closed" do you have the
stack trace?

> Unfortunately, there was a hiccup in my coding where the app doesn't
> naturally die when all the writing is over (I never stop the thread pool -
> oops). However, it was a day or two later when I killed it. After I killed
> the processes, I was surprised to see only a few hundred vertices in the
> plocal database when I was expecting to see one million (the number of
> edges was much closer to what I expected). At what point are the vertices
> flushed? Can I flush them via the API?

Do you mean with the batch API? Did you call the end() ?

> Regards,
> Phillip

Best Regards,

Luca Garulli
Founder & CEO
OrientDB LTD <http://orientdb.com/>

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> On Friday, September 23, 2016 at 6:27:02 PM UTC+1, l.garulli wrote:
>> On 23 September 2016 at 11:23, Phillip Henry <phill...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > will there not be potential contention when the "to" vertex is updated?
>>> Ah, just re-read your post and you've already answered this. My
>>> apologies.
>> Yes, the idea is that with millions and mullions of vertices, the chance
>> to have a collision with the target nodes is very low, unless you have
>> supernodes that recurs in most of the relationships.
>>>> > OGraphBatchInsert ... keeps everything in RAM before flushing
>>>> I assume I will still have to write retry code in the event of a
>>>> collision (see above)?
>> No in this case, the batch insert will manage this for you.
>> Luca
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