On 02/10/12 21.59, Laura Rozenberg wrote:
I will be grateful to receive information about the following books (link to 
pictures below)


I believe they are early books by Akira Yoshizawa, but as I don't read 
Japanese, can't say for sure. The list complied by David Lister didn't help me 
here because it doesn't have pictures of the covers.

If you know what books they are, I'd like to get the title, author, year, 
number of pages and if it is a hard to get or very rare.

(Disregard the little white paper with inscription #5, it's not attached to the 
cover, it's just a loose paper)

The green one: I have one that is likely to be another edition of that, see photo here: http://papirfoldning.dk/images/boeger/Yoshizawa1973.jpg. The photo of the models is slightly different as "my" peacocks miss the head feather, however the model on page 59 is exactly "your" setup. I bought it 20+ years ago from "The Origami Center" (prequel to OUSA Source, I still have the receipt letter signed and greetings Lillian Oppenheimer). What is interesting about my copy, is that they put a quallity-print leaflet inside with a complete translation into the English by Itsu Suzaki (I dimly remember that was why I bought that specific Japanese book). And yes, it is indeed Akira Yoshizawa, the leaflet calls it "Creative Origami", and the edition of my copy is dated 1973. I cannot tell if the title is correctly translated, but it fits the introduction where Akira Yoshizawa writes about teaching us to do changes and variations, in contrast to the traditional origami which is "more imitative than creative" (citation).
My copy is isbn 1072-0030-0952. I have no idea how rare or not it is.

Best regards,

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