I went to http://www.flickr.com/photos/firstfold/sets/72157631434627778/detail/
and made a diagram of the 8x58 illustration in the fourth picture.
When I folded it, the intermediate illustrations in the third and second 
pictures looked identical.
The two sides I finished with looked exactly like the top two illustrations in 
the first picture.
I could see how to do what might be called a reverse petal fold on each of the 
(eight) corners.
The result was a single color, like the center of the top two illustrations, 
but not labeled like the bottom two illustrations in the first picture.
Could someone please give me a hint about "the Inside out twist "?
For example, how does one get the "8" (from the other side) next to the "1"; 
the "2" and "3" to switch sides and come together; the "5" (from the other 
side) next to the "4"; and leave the "6" and "7" unchanged?
I am familiar with the one piece flipper by Sy Chen, which is also referred to 
as a flexisquare,
but that is quite a different thing.

Thank you and have a great day! 
SVBE            (si vales, bene est)

Cheers, Ralph Jones

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