On 18/1/2013 5:26 AM, Have Paper Will Travel wrote:
I wouldn't lump in tweezers and creasing tools into the same category as those others.

I agree with you, having used tweezers and creasing tools occasionally myself. I included these specifically to reflect the number of dissenting opinions I have heard, read and received over the years. Bearing in mind that some of the minute and detailed work in some complex origami designs though, will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, without the use of tweezers.

On 18/1/2013 1:32 AM, Ben Fritzson wrote:

I would consider Methylcellulose and other stiffeners different from other
glues. (snip) MC, while technically added to the piece, doesn't contribute to 
the shape, it only secures it.

Some pieces of origami just wouldn't be able to keep its desired shape without 
MC or glue. (No names mentioned out of respect for the artists involved.) I've 
come quite a few origami pieces like these, held together or in place with 
liberal applications, including coatings, of MC.

These origami pieces would not be regarded as completed without being rendered 
able to keep their desired shape.

 On 18/1/2013 6:17 AM, Douglas Zander wrote:

I have always wondered if I am just a slow folder.  Do others feel they are 
unusually slow or fast?

I believe that origami is best enjoyed at the pace you are most comfortable 
with. Speed is not essential, unless you have a deadline to meet.

About a year ago, I took almost four days to assemble a Tomoko Fuse 48-piece 
modular, when the the average folder can probably do the job within the hour. 
Terribly slow and painstaking, yes, but it was not something I should be 
self-conscious about and did not enjoy. I was in fact quite uplifted by it.

I should mention that I have some physical impediments.

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