Hi gang -

We've had to adjust some of the anti-spam measures on the server that
runs the O-list, and one of the unfortunately unavoidable side effects
was that the system's knowledge of who was a valid list-sender and who
was a spammer partially expired.

What does this mean?

 - if your account is moderated, and you're one of the users thus
affected, you may see a delay of 30-60 minutes before you'll receive
the "your message to the list awaits moderator approval" notice.

 - if your account is not moderated, and you're one of the users thus
affected, you may see a delay of 30-60 minutes before your message
appears on the list.

In either case, this should only happen to you once, and thereafter
your messages should come through immediately.

If you see a delay much longer than that (like 2-3 hours) or this
happens repeatedly, then that is not typical; please send a message


and let us know, and we'll tweak things appropriately.  (Do not send
administrative messages directly to any of the list admins' personal
accounts, please.  Put that address in your addressbook, do it now, no
excuses.  :)

While you're waiting for your message to wend its way through
cyberspace, try folding something, write about it, and save it up to
send it tomorrow!


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