I was at the Metropolitan Opera last night - Massenet's Werther with Jonas 
Kaufman - and was shocked to see origami! 

There's a scene where the heroine's sister is trying to cheer her up, and talks 
about how happiness is like a little bird with wings (very much paraphrased - 
and the opera's in French, so I'm actually paraphrasing the English titles). To 
my surprise she pulls out an origami bird from her purse and flaps it around! I 
sit in the highest reaches of the opera house, so even with opera glasses I'm 
not absolutely certain if it was a crane or flapping bird, but it was 
definitely origami! I may have to go to the HD performance on the 15th and hope 
that there's a close-up.

It was a wonderful performance, with that extra little bonus! 

Regards, Jan Polish

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