Hello ALL,

Our ORIGAMI FANCY ORiGANIZERS book goes literally paper!
We are happy to announce that we just published this book in paperback format.

ORIGAMI FANCY ORiGANIZERS: Fun and Practical Paper Designs
Paperback, Full color, 50 pages
ISBN-10: 1499636512
ISBN-13: 978-1499636512

Check it out on Amazon.com and Amazon Europe!

The book will show you how to create practical origami organizers called ORiGANIZERS to keep your papers and little flat things neat and tidy whether you are planning to travel, create orderly drawers or just love to organize things around yourself in a cool original way!

Those of you who prefer digital format might want to check the eBook edition at our Oriland.com:http://www.oriland.com/store/ebooks/origami_fancy_origanizers/main.php <http://www.oriland.com/store/ebooks/origami_fancy_origanizers/main.php>

Happy folding!

Yuri and Katrin Shumakov
Origami Artists

ORILAND - What Origami Can Be!

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