Hi Alexander,

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Alexander Kurth
<kurth.alexander...@web.de> wrote:
> Hello all,
> in my last email I send links to my Eric Joisel tutorials. Now I got the
> question if I infringe the copyright.
> I thought I don't but now I'm not sure. So I liked to ask it here.

You may find this article I authored a while ago interesting:
(Here's a full list of my articles on video diagramming:
http://www.happyfolding.com/articles )

Generally, just because someone offers diagrams for free doesn't mean
you can redistribute them, too. As to whether making video
instructions infringes copyright, I have no definitive answer. But as
you can read in my article, law isn't the only factor here, but also

Finally, regarding your question on who to contact with queries of
permission: Have you tried contacting jami...@ericjoisel.com - which
is the contact provided on ericjoisel.com?
I can also forward an email to the contact I have if you send it to

-- Sara

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