Do you have any pix of pieces folded with your special recipe?  Would love
to see the difference between the polymer clay model and others!
Mary Ellen from AZ

I do not have any pix of Origami folded with this clay. As I never have bread in my house, I must get some...will make something soon enough and post a pix at

There is a pix of a miniature sculpture of a head that can be worn on a chain on the Orifun Creation page ( ) In looking at that, one one can see the detail the clay is able to hold in small work. The clay "listens" well. That piece is finished with nail polish.

Should anyone decide to try their hand at an Origami piece created from the clay, the recipe is ample for a 6" square. My preference is to use a glass to roll out the clay laid between saran wrap. Additionally, one must find supports with which to hold the piece in place until it dries.

OriFUN to all,

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