Hi Andrew,

        I've found that quite a few models in Tomoko Fuse's book 'Floral 
Globes' can be made with sturdier paper and they hold quite well. In general 
they are two piece modulars with a base fold and a decorative/holding fold. 
I've made larger versions of one or two of them using 100->120 gsm coloured 
paper for the base and then choose a suitable decorative paper. They assemble 
in a similar fashion to Sonobe units (which are also fairly sturdy with 
appropriate paper) so the assemblies can easily go to hundreds. 

Caveat; I haven't tried other assemblies on the Floral Globes yet. The main 
point here is that some modulars are pretty sturdy with a different paper 


P.S. I've also found that a lot of modulars made using edge modules collapse 
under their own weight when they are made larger or with longer edges.

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