On Feb 3, 2015 5:36 PM, "Anne LaVin" <anne.la...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (Forwarding on a message from AOL user: dermothaye...@aol.com )
> Square Origami Paper - That's Never Square !!!
> Why is it not square when folded corner to corner (diagonally).
> It's packaged as square origami paper.

It probably was square when it was cut.

Paper is made with water and is never totally dry. Depending on the
temperature and humidity, paper will come to an equilibrium, but a change
in either factor will change the moisture content of the paper.

Machine made paper has a grain because the fibers are aligned during the
fabrication process which means that the paper will expand or contract in
one direction more than the other.

So, even if it is cut perfectly square, unless it was stable when it was
cut and you are folding with the same environmental conditions it was in at
that time it was cut, it won't be exactly square.

If you cut the paper yourself when you are ready to fold it, it will be
closer to square. Otherwise you just have to trim it or compensate during
the folding.

This is a bigger issue for wet folding and the coping options are similar,
by that is a different topic.

I am not an expert, if someone has better information I would be eager to
hear it.


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