DC Origami (as in the Comics) from John Montroll and Min Sung Ku <http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_2?ie=UTF8&field-author=Min+Sung+Ku&search-alias=books&text=Min+Sung+Ku&sort=relevancerank>. I just saw this as a pre-order on Amazon. Does anyone here have any info on it? Montroll is one of my all time favorite artists so I'm pretty excited about this but there is no further information regarding model listing or pictures. At $98.35 the price is a little steep, which makes me think it should be pretty epic (I hope at least). There are other cheaper books in the same series for pre-order that look to be sections of the main book published in a shorter form. If this has already been discussed and I missed it, I apologize. Thanks!


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