>>But I find myself wondering what the drawing *means*... does the drawing 
>>represent a specific element of the book? Reading the review, some of the 
>>other illustrations appear to refer to specific incidents, but there's no 
>>mention of the fortune teller. Looked at one way, the drawing is of course a 
>>literal interpretation of the title - but I wonder if that's because it's an 
>>incident in the book (except you cannot actually fold a real clock, of 
>>course) or is it some other reference. Maybe it refers to the book's 
>>out-of-sequence diary structure: if you took a regular diary, and folded it 
>>up somehow, it's as if you're folding time...

I wonder if, by using the clock  face and the fortune teller, you could get two 
times to link up by pressing them together :-) and be able to freely pass 
between those two times.

Just musing on plot possibilities :-)

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