We did not send out reminders that the dates were approaching for
registration fees to increase for the 2015 Ohio origami convention, so we
have decided to extend the discount until the 20th of April.

So - come join us July 31st - Aug 2nd and have a great time with Robert
Lang, Meenakshi Mukerji, Eric Gjerde Jon Tucker and Jared Needle (If he
makes it back to Ohio...)

We are at the hotel on the 30th, but that is a casual folding day - no
scheduled classes.  If you have never been to CenterFold, we run a laid
back, friendly convention where everyone has a good time.  We are in a small
convention hotel, so everything is on one floor.

More info, photos of past conventions and registration is online at

Call or email if you have any questions!

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

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