Just a reminder that every Sunday, I post an origami-related cartoon up on
my blog (I have them post-dated every Sunday up through November 2016, at
the moment).  Today's comic is from Bound and Gagged:


Also, a Kenneth Kawamura butterfly ball revival out here, by Yami:



Yesterday I dusted off the only butterfly ball I ever made (using printed
out paper by someone here on the O-List many moons ago) and tried out an
experiment for my closing stage demo, annual Monterey Park stage demo:


I filled it piƱata-like with some smaller waterbombs, helicopters, and
"litter".  Hadn't seen that done before.

I just now remember, though, having done this before with LaFosse
butterflies for kids at a school and they got to keep the tiny
butterflies.  That was about 8 years ago.


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