Thus spake "Paper Dragon" <> on 5/21/15 9:56 AM:

>Just saw this story on the BBC. It is a standard story of Sadako...
>Origami birds from Belfast will be included in the Hiroshima Peace
>Memorial Ceremony in Japan on 6 August.
>It is the first time a Belfast community group has taken part in the
>ceremony, which is held every year on the anniversary of the day in 1945
>when America dropped the world's first atomic bomb on the Japanese city
>of Hiroshima

And speaking of cranes and atomic bombs, the city of Los Alamos, NM (where
the atomic bomb was developed) will be installing an origami crane
sculpture created by Kevin Box (with a little help from a friend ;o))
outside of their public library later this year. Here's a drawing showing
a mockup, and a photo of the crane sculpture in a different context:



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