On 6/27/15 2:44 PM, sue neff wrote:
Can anyone suggest a source for waterproof paper?  We want to

Fold cranes for the (high humidity) Conservatory & Botanical Gardens

In 36" and 48" size (Orange/Red/Violet).  I've been trying to find

"Yupo" paper without success.

Sue Neff / OCoP

Origami Club of Pittsburgh

I have used Tyvek from Home Depot, and it holds a fold very well, but it does have the blue Tyvek logo on it. I do believe, as Uyen said, that it can be colored with acrylic. I have heard from quite a few other folders that Tyvek can vary in how well it holds a fold. Some people have told me that they bought colored Tyvek intended for origami and it didn't hold a fold as well as the construction Tyvek I bought.

Char Morrow

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