I want to.describe two items that are very curious to me.

1)      I receive a magazine called“France-Amérique”. In the September 2015

Page 68, is a brief description:

“…the Japanese amuse themselves by taking a porcelain bowl full of water
and dipping in it small, seemingly.shapeless bits of paper, which, the

they touch the water, expand, assume new shapes, take on color and variety,

and turn into flowers, houses, or people, substantial and recognizable…”

I would like to know:  what are these “bits of paper” called in Japanese…

And is this a “toy” or “craft”?  Where can this “toy” be seen/found?

2)      When I visited “Le Pli” in Paris (and also when Robert Lang lectured
some time

Ago at CMU in Pittsburgh) I saw a demonstration of the following:
“Take a sheet of paper (often an origami square) make several careful folds…

Then…take scissors  and after making one cut …unfold a shape (sort of like 

Our way to make a “Betsy Ross” star).  In France, I think the shape was the

Paharita Bird.  Does this “craft” have a name?

Thank you for your help.

Sue Neff (OCoP)

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