Hi all,

I'm teaching a class where I'll require a small amount of paper, but the
organization for which I'm teaching insists that I get pricing from 2-3
sources, even for the small amount that I need. Some accountability process
gone overboard.

In any case, I would like opinions on three U.S. (or fast shippers to U.S.)
paper sellers or businesses that have Star Dream and Elephant Hide paper
and quick turnaround.

My first pick is Kim's Crane, but I don't have experience to know who else
is popular in the States.

You can PM me privately or respond to this message if you can identify
other sources for small-ish quantities of these two papers in the U.S. or
if you have experience with those sources.

Thank you! I'm doing someone a favor by teaching and I'm trying to make the
administrative part less stressful.


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