Dear origami enthusiasts,

in my origami-group I would like to fold a crane(1). But when i look(3) for diagrams of cranes(1) i usually get lots of diagrams and pictures of cranes(2) but nothing related to cranes(1).

The fact that crane(1) and crane(2) use the same word complicates the search.

Now my question:
Does anybody know where i could find diagrams of Construction Cranes?
Am I just missing the right Word?
Am I missing the right search engine?

Every kind of information appreciated.
Best regards,
Tobias Löffler

PS.: Footnote for better understanding. The Numbers in brackets above 
correspond to the numbers in brackets below.
(1) Construction Crane. The one you use to build houses.
(2) The traditional Bird. Or variations of the bird.
(3) With google,,

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