On 09/06/16 17:38, Paper Dragon wrote:
I just saw this article on the Japan Times website. I had been surprised that 
Obama only folded 4 cranes since I had heard that the number 4 is considered 
unlucky by the Japanese. This is because 4 sounds like death in Japanese.

I am curious who taught him how to fold the cranes. There are pictures of the 


Hiroshima peace museum puts Obama’s paper cranes on display

Japan Times
Tokyo June 9, 2016


The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum on Thursday put on display four paper 
cranes offered by U.S. President Barack Obama during his historic visit to the 

Interesting but I suspect, unless it states somewhere in the text that I have missed, Obama did not fold the cranes himself. It states "Obama presented..." The quality of the folding and the finish of the cranes suggest that theses have been made by an experienced origamist. I am not knocking this, the very fact that Obama visited and presented these cranes is wonderful in all respects. We need more of this altruistic attitude in politics.

Its just a shame that the originator of this work will not be recognised for 

Just saying.

It's a great day to fold :-)

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