Hi all,
My first post to this list.

Over the holiday period I've been exploring the spiral and conical folds in Tomoko Fuse's 'Spiral: Origami Art Design' book. I had to write some computer code to generate the crease patterns, because otherwise it's hard to experiment with them. I'm printing them on plain paper, with mountain folds in red, valleys in black.

An unexpected (to me) bonus is that the paper 'wants' to fold along the printed lines -- at least to some degree. This makes it a little easier to fold the often intricate patterns. It's obviously nothing like laser cutting a score pattern, but it's helpful all the same.

Of course to make larger, more presentable models in better suited paper I'll need to figure out a different approach, but for now I am just interested to know about others experience with printing crease patterns on a cheap printer. Are there papers where printing makes folds particularly easy to make? are there adaptations to inkjet printers that make printing more like scoring?

Any insights welcome!


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