Hi guys!

I don't know if you remember that a while a go I started a couple of topics
regarding model names for an article I was working on. I had left it in
standby for some time but I'm now working in it once again. I need your
help looking for examples of three different cases. Can you please tell me
about the ones you know?

1. Model names that say something about the folding process of the very
model. Something in the lines of "Bird-base Dragon" or maybe "Box-pleated
Fairy". This are just hypothetical names to give you an idea.

2. Models that deliberately have no name. In other art forms it's common
for an artist not to title an artwork. In that case, the art label usually
ends up saying "untitled". Maybe you know of an origami model in a
publication that says "no name", no title" or "untitled" instead of having
a name. It's possible that there doesn't exist a model like that but I must
first ask before I discard the idea.

3. Models that have different names in different publications even though
they are in the same language. I'm asking here for modern models, NOT

Regarding that last case, if you have an idea as to why does it have more
than one name, it would be really useful to know as well.

Please help me out, OK guys? You can answer directly through the list or
you can do so privately to my email address gerardo(a)neorigami.com


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