Hi guys!

One of the local libraries has contacted me about teaching an origami class
for teens this coming June. The theme of the classes is "Building for the
Future" (or something like that). In view of the recent NOVA program, I
thought it would be really cool to do a flasher.

There is a simple one that I found by Jeremy Shafer. It is square. Does
anyone know of others? Maybe one with a hex pattern?

Do you think it is too ambitious? I am not sure how many - if any - of the
teens will have folded before. It is fairly straightforward to me - but
I've been at this for 40+ years LOL! Had anyone ever taught these before?

I will be teaching it to my regional group this coming meeting (Sunday the
5th if anyone in the Centennial, CO, area) so that may give me a better
idea as to what to expect, but any thoughts from the greater community
would be welcome!



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