> On May 3, 2017, at 10:51 PM, Albert SNG (NYP) <albert_...@nyp.edu.sg> wrote:
> Hi,
> Have anyone tried this?
> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=FL1lSeZT2X3Aoqu9Dl0WExhQ
> I encountered problem assembly them. Is there a diagram for this model 
> somewhere I can refer to? I may have folded it wrongly.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

That looks like Carmen Sprung's "Stern Franziska" from her book Stern 21.
She has a different folding sequence which gives you pre-creases, that allows 
for easy assembly.
The book is in German, but the diagrams are so clearly illustrated that you do 
not need to read German to fold her models.
Unfortunately, the book is out of print. Perhaps a used copy can be found on 
amazon if you keep watching for it.
It is a great book!


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