We are getting nearer to the BOS autumn convention in Oxford , (8-9 Sept
2018) so it's time to ask you for diagrams again for the model
collection book. 

If you have a diagram you'd like us to include please send a high
quality pdf or jpeg file to: 

mod...@britishorigami.info or 7osme.oxf...@gmail.com 

The deadline for diagrams is 27th July 2018. 

As usual we can offer an electronic (pdf) or printed copy to every
contributor whose model we publish. Please let us know which you would
prefer. If you want a book and are not coming to Oxford please also let
us know your address. 

We are also always looking for new diagrams for the magazine. While we
will try to use as many diagrams as we can, sadly it is not always
possible to publish everything. 

If you are planning to attend teach the model please tell us, as we like
to highlight in the book any models that are part of the teaching

Please send us diagrams in any format - whether it is computer designs,
hand drawn or photo diagrams.  We look forward to seeing - and folding -

  Mark Bolitho, Lee Armstrong and Michael Trew

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