Hello paper folders!  Sorry for the rather late notice, things have been
extremely hectic.  The meeting will go as planned, though.  We will meet
Thursday, March 21 from 6 to 8 pm in the auditorium of the Renner Frankford
I will go over announcements.  Everyone is welcome to bring models for
showing off, or if you need help, as always.  I will be teaching Jason Ku's
four leaf clover, from crease pattern (cp) during the meeting.  I will go
over the basics of folding from cp, and how to apply it to this model.
This will be a little trickier than what is usually taught in classes, but
we will have plenty of time to help everyone.  For those who do not know, a
crease pattern is the map of creases that would be on a sheet of paper, if
you were to unfold a model before shaping it.  Folding from cp is a
valuable skill in origami, and can be tricky to learn without someone to
help.  If you are a more experienced folder, there will also be a class
before the meeting, starting at 5.  I will teach ( or, more likely, begin
teaching - this will probably be part 1) Jun Maekawa's Eastern Dragon.
  Finally, if you have any models you would like to put on temporary
display at the library, bring those as well.  We will be working with the
library to set up a temporary display to promote ADROIT.  I will bring
everyone's models back to them at the meeting after the display comes down
(if you can't make it to that one, I will have the model for you at a
future meeting).  That's all folks!  Hope to see you at the meeting.  Feel
free to bring friends and/or spread the word, these meetings are open to
the public.
-Travis Nolan

Thanks for your time and energy.

Travis Nolan

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