Welcome to Paper for Water's BUG BATTLE origami contest!
[image: Image] <https://flic.kr/p/2h6qBVF>
The contest will have two divisions - models that are your own design, and
models by other designers. Top prize of $250 for own design and $150 for
other designers!! In order to enter, you MUST send your finished model to
Paper for Water, where it may be used in a temporary public display at
Texas discovery gardens. YOU CAN receive your model back after the end of
the Texas State Fair, during which the models will be displayed. In order
to receive your model back, you must include $10 ($20 for non USA) to cover
shipping in addition to the $15 entry fee.
All funds raised by this contest will benefit http://www.paperforwater.org/
- a fantastic Dallas, TX based charity that uses origami to raise money for
water projects in developing countries - read more about them on their

Original designs will be judged based on the finished model and the
technical merit of the CP to determine the winner. A copy of the crease
pattern MUST be submitted with the entry in order to win.

Not-original designs will be judged by an online public poll.

Other things to note:
-All entries must fit the theme of insects, but other arthropods
(terrestrial arthropods only) such as arachnids are allowed. -Old designs
and folds are allowed!! Your model does not have to be designed and/or
folded specifically for this contest
-You can enter as many times as you want to!
-ALL ENTRIES must be received by Paper for Water by September 16th. (If the
model is SENT by the sixteenth but not received until later, it may be
-The best bugs received will be put on public display at the Texas
Discovery Gardens during the Texas State Fair attended by over two million
people! Designer and folder will be credited in the display, so this is a
great opportunity for some real exposure!

The full list of details and the official entry form can be found here:


Seriously, all the money raised from this will help save lives, so the more
entries, the better. Please help me to spread the word - email it out to
all your friends, shout it from the rooftops, contact newspapers,

Travis Nolan

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