Me too. I told him to look up Origami USA and ask them. Obviously he

On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 10:27 AM Charlene Morrow <> wrote:

> Yes, I also got this message --- by the way, it's Prince Vaughn ("n" on
> the end).  I have not followed up, but I do see that documentary
> film-making is mentioned on Mark Wahlberg's web pages.  I am wondering
> if it somehow connected to Community Origami Group events scheduled on
> the OUSA website.  Do you, by any chance, organize a COG event?  I do.
> I would be curious to know if you find out more. Feel free to write
> privately to me.
> Char Morrow
> On 4/9/20 9:20 PM, FOLD wrote:
> > Hey ...
> >
> > Had anyone else heard from someone called Prince Vaugh, III? He contacted
> > me and said they were putting together a documentary on origami and we're
> > wondering if I, or one of my colleagues, would be interested in
> > participating.
> >
> > Does anyone know about this? Anyone participating?
> >
> > I am always a teeeny bit paranoid about things like this...
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Dee

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