Thus spake "Origami on behalf of Gerardo" 
< on behalf of> 
on 4/22/20, 7:23 AM:


I've been delighted with how everyone everywhere is proposing activities 
through the web in order to make this quarantine easier : )


I want to offer something as well. A couple of years ago I developed a 
conference/workshop for an international origami convention here in Colombia. 
Its title was "Creating through the Frankensteinian Method in Origami".Well, 
I'd like to offer it–this time in English–through Zoom for free.


The thing is, I don't have a Zoom paid subscription. So I wanted to ask you, if 
you do have one, would allow me to offer the activity with your help? I hope 
one of you will say "yes". I also hope that that person can help me as the 
moderator during the activity.


The conference/workshop would be on Saturday, May 9th, 10 - 12:30 pm CDT.


Hi Gerardo,


This would be a good place to mention (or re-mention) that OrigamiUSA is making 
its paid Zoom room available to pretty much anyone who wants to set up a public 
origami session (you don’t need to be a member of OrigamiUSA, or be in the 
USA). You can reserve it through the website at this page:


As you can see from the calendar on that page, quite a few people are already 
taking advantage of it!


You can also post your activity on OrigamiUSA’s calendar (which also already 
contains a lot of public online events):


The scheduled Zoom events are password-protected (password embedded in the 
link), and for events posted on the calendar, people need to be logged into the 
website to see the link (to prevent zoombombing trolls from finding the link by 
web search). Please don’t post the links anywhere public! The trolls are out 
there and active. You need to be registered with the website, but you don’t 
have to be a member of OrigamiUSA.


Hope this helps with your project (and with anyone else who wants to do 
something like this!),




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