Maureen, Andrew, Ravi, Elina (I thanked many others previously)

Thank you very much for your lists! I am very interested in knowing what you 
fold and which are the models that you consider most interesting and clever. 
Many of them I did not know and I will try to find. 

Kind regards

>> On Aug 24, 2020, at 12:44 PM, Laura R <> wrote:
>> What are the most wonderful models you have folded? 
>> I mean those that have such a beautiful folding sequence that made you think 
>> there is something magical in it and the creator must be a genius. 
>> As a friend told me recently, "something that affects the emotions the way a 
>> beautiful painting or fantastic piece of music can”.
>> I would like to know your list, five or ten of your favorite. Not 
>> necessarily hyper-complex nor super-simple models, but those with the magic 
>> spark that have made them timeless and classic. 
>> Thank you
>> Laura Rozenberg

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