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Today's Topics:   1. Not-Quite-Origami Sighting - NYTimes (Jacob Metzger)

Besides the NYT link below, the original article

Open Access   Published: 05 March 2021
 A model for the fragmentation kinetics of crumpled thin sheets
Jovana Andrejevic, Lisa M. Lee, Shmuel M. Rubinstein & Chris H. Rycroft 

Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 1470 (2021) Cite this article
As a confined thin sheet crumples, it spontaneously segments into flat facets 
delimited by a network of ridges. Despite the apparent disorder of this 
process, statistical properties of crumpled sheets exhibit striking 

39 footnotes (none directly to Origami)

        Link to their PDF 
        https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-21625-2.pdf    about 10 
pages 3.9 Mbytes

        IF you print the web page to PDF it comes out about 33 pages (1.3 

See also https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR20/Session/L30.11 for an earlier 

        And look up fragmentation kinetics in Google Scholar and play around


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2021 23:28:02 -0500
From: Jacob Metzger <jrmetz...@gmail.com>
To: orig...@lists.digitalorigami.cobm
Subject: [Origami] Not-Quite-Origami Sighting - NYTimes
 >From the NY Times:

The Latest Wrinkle in Crumple Theory

>From studies of ?geometric frustration,? scientists learn how paper folds
under pressure.


Yaacov Metzger

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