
>From 1927 up to 1998 35 editions of 'Das Lustiges Papierfaltbuechlein' by 
>Johanna Huber appeared. The first 1. edition from 1927 has 56 pages. In the 
>years of world war II the editions were reduced to 39 pages. In the first 
>years after the war the editions were reduced, too - again to 39 pages. The 
>11. edition in 1960 and the following 6 editions were enhanced to 72 pages. 
>May be that is the point when the cover box came into the book. However, there 
>is a further possibility for this because in 1980 there was a great change: 
>Johanna Huber got a co-author - Christel Claudius - and the new edition became 
>the first one with 124 pages. This edition was the base for the English 

Thanks for this.

>Presently I am on holiday with my MacBookPro including the origami 
>bibliography list, but without my origami library. In two or three weeks I 
>will look into my origami books. Then I will get back to you asap.

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Meanwhile Michel Grand has found the relevant page from the 1904 edition of  
'Handbüchlein der Papierfaltekunst' on a booksellers site and I have added it 
to my page about the magazine cover box along with another publication from 
1926 from France that Michel also knew about.


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