Happy Birthday! That’s amazing, 1988! Thanks for the hard work over 34 years! 

I think that was the year when I got my first email address, and I was feeling 
special! Only few people had an email address in Argentina (most in the science 
sector). But in order to connect with my soon-to-be husband who was in the US 
we did not communicate via email. We used FTP to connect real time. The screen 
was divided in two parts horizontally and I could go make a coffee waiting for 
his answer because it was soo slow (there was a stick turning around marking 
the waiting time which drove me crazy). Internet (or the World Wide Web) was 
yet to come, at least in Argentina, and the first browser was Mozilla (and the 
first website I saw with my very eyes was the American Museum of Natural 
History in New York and I thought: “this is going to change the world 
Laura Rozenberg

> On May 23, 2022, at 9:33 AM, Anne LaVin <anne.la...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, list folk - 
> I've been mostly away from origami stuff, lately, but my calendar reminded me 
> of it, so I wanted to jump in and say happy birthday to the list! It was on 
> this day, way back in 1988, that the first posts were exchanged on what would 
> eventually migrate to this version of the list setup. Yes, that is officially 
> a Really Long Time. :)
> We're running on a private server that I maintain, using the open-source 
> Mailman mailing list system. Everything involved - including me - is aging a 
> bit, perhaps, but still happy to chug along. Even though there are so many 
> other outlets for people to discuss, post & chat, we're all still here, and 
> I'll keep the list running as long as there's a use for it.
> Remember: administrative questions should go to 
> <origami-own...@lists.digitalorigami.com 
> <mailto:origami-own...@lists.digitalorigami.com>>; posts for the list to 
> <origami@lists.digitalorigami.com <mailto:origami@lists.digitalorigami.com>>; 
> and you can update & modify your subscription (the list is primarily 
> self-service) from here: 
>  https://lists.digitalorigami.com/mailman/listinfo/origami 
> <https://lists.digitalorigami.com/mailman/listinfo/origami>
> Bookmark/save it all somewhere so it's easy for you to find. Please don't 
> send admin stuff to my personal address.
> So, go fold something! Come back and tell us about it!
> Anne

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