As most of you will know, with a lot of help from a lot of friends, I am 
attempting to collect and make available on-line as many sources bearing on the 
history of paperfolding as I can. This information is then being made publicly 
available as part of the Public Paperfolding History Project which you can find 
on my website at

I have recently managed to locate quite a few early Japanese kindergarten text 
books online in the National Diet Library and it would be helpful to know what 
they say. I normally rely on Google Lens, which is pretty good (I think!) at 
translating kanji, but doesn't seem to be able to cope with the other Japanese 
alphabets. As a result, while I can read the main text of these books I can't 
read the names of the designs, which seem to be written in what I think is 
hiragana. It would be really useful to know what these designs are properly 

So ... this is an appeal for help! If you are interested in paperfolding 
history ... are reasonably fluent in Japanese ... can read hiragana ... and 
have a little time to spare to help, I would love to hear from you ... 
privately, of course!


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