When I want a pure white, I like to use a foil with a white face. Whatevere 
that you will glue on the other face, the foil will hide it.

> Le 30 janv. 2023 à 12:01, Lorenzo via Origami 
> <origami@lists.digitalorigami.com> a écrit :
> Hi everyone,
> maybe Ilan Garibi (as he made some paper reviews), or Nicolas Terry (as 
> expert reseller) can help on that?
> I recently wanted to fold a model where the white side plays an important 
> role, and needs to be white as much as possible.
> Have you already had experience with this, and could you recommend a good 
> paper, in this regard?
> In the picture below you can see two Red/White sheets of paper, one aside of 
> the other (in the middle of the picture) from two distinct producers.
> The left one is clearly better, and that could be because it is also a bit 
> ticker (I just feel that with my hand).
> Both of them, when sharply folded back and forth (fold and reverse the same 
> fold) 3 times, get "damaged" on the color side, in the meaning that the color 
> "crumbles" along the crease (and this just to mention that both bring the 
> same quality in terms of colouring).
> <IMG_20230130_114414.jpg>

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