Here's an origami-related math question that I thought might be of interest to 
others in the wider origami community.

If you take a (finite) sheet of paper of any shape and fold it just once, the 
resulting model will have an area that is greater than or equal to half the 
area of the original shape, with equality if and only if you fold along a line 
of bilateral symmetry.

The area of the folded model is also less than that of the original sheet.

So now let's define R to be the minimum, over all folds, of the ratio of the 
area of the folded model to that of the original sheet, we know ½ <= R < 1. So 
for any given shape of paper, we get a specific value R (which doesn't depend 
on scale).

How close to 1 can R get? In fact, you can get arbitrarily close to 1.

Now here's the question: What is the least upper bound on R over triangularly 
shaped sheets? (And what is the shape of the "worst" triangle, or, what is a 
sequence of triangles whose R's approach this least upper bound?)

It seems like a high-school geometry problem, and every now and then, I try to 
determine what it is some intrinsic constant associated with triangles. 
Yet, the computations always bog down and I haven't been able to figure it out. 
Can anyone figure it out?

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