Hi Bernie… those $ stars are cool. 

I don’t recognize them so I searched. I know there are many versions of 6-point modular stars made from found paper… and from rectangle paper… which could be adapted to $ folding. 

I didn’t find diagrams but I did find this YouTube video for a 5-point $ star… maybe you could modify this to make the 6-point snowflake version. Let us know what you find too. I’d love to fold them as well. 

pprfldr at gmail dot com

On Nov 22, 2023, at 19:42, Bernie Cosell <ber...@fantasyfarm.com> wrote:

It appears that this list doesn't allow attachments.. sigh.   here are the dollar starts I'd love to have instructions for, especially the one in the middle
Thanks /bernie\
                 Bernie Cosell
-- Too many people; too few sheep --

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